• I give my consent for Ballad Health Medical Associates, its physician(s) and other healthcare providers (providers) to examine (student’s name) and to provide care and treatment, which may include the evaluation, diagnosis, consultation and treatment of my child’s medical condition using advanced telecommunications technology (telemedicine services.)
• I understand that if my child requires telemedicine services, reasonable attempts will be made to contact me and invite me to join the medical visit by phone or video technology. If I cannot be reached in a timely manner, I understand and give consent for my child to be seen by providers in my absence and to provide me with a summary of the visit upon my request.
• I understand that telemedicine services may include audio, video or other electronic media and providers may:
(1) be located off-site;
(2) examine my child face-to-face via telemedicine technology and/or review health information transmitted via telemedicine technology; and
(3) rely on information provided by my child and/or other on-site healthcare professionals.
• I understand and agree that providers shall not be held liable for factors beyond their control (such as technology failures, incomplete or inaccurate data provided by others, or distortions of images due to electronic transmission.) I understand that reasonable steps will be taken to protect the confidentiality of patient data, but the security of electronic information cannot be guaranteed.
• I understand that other individuals may be present during the visit to operate telemedicine equipment and technology, and I consent and authorize audio/video recording or photography to be taken in order to provide the telemedicine services to my child. These recordings or photographs may become part of my child’s medical record.
• I understand that if a provider believes that further healthcare services are required or would benefit my child, a referral or recommendation for follow-up care may be made.
I have read this form or had it read to me, and I understand its contents. By signing below, I affirm that:
(1) I agree to all of the statements above, and
(2) I authorize telemedicine services to be provided to my child during the current school year